
Discover scientific excellence through Geology courses offered by leading Institutions globally and make a difference accessing career opportunities in Earth science.

  • Study the earth; the materials, products, processes, physical nature and the earth’s history.
  • Predict the universe and the systems of the earth by learning to interpret and make observations from the geologic landscape.
  • Help in saving natural resources by studying and documenting availability alongside samples of needs, demand and consumption.
  • Discover alternative energy sources for fuel, water and other earth resources and advise on applicability and adaptation.

Top Marketable Careers for Geology Course Graduates



Geochemists will study physical aspects of the earth like the composition of the earth, the earth structure and the earth’s processes. They will run examinations on the distribution of chemical elements in minerals and rocks, they will also look at the movement of these chemical elements into the water and soil systems available. They will apply inorganic and physical chemistry to establish the chemical elements.

Geochemists will apply organic chemistry knowledge to investigate the composition of fossil fuel deposits. Their research may guide oil and mineral exploration industries. Their research may be applied to improve water quality and to clean sites with toxic wastes. Careers are found in the oil and gas industry, environmental industry, education facilities, research centres and private consultations

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 Environmental geologists

Environmental geologists

Environmental geologists will save the water and soil of the earth from contamination by advising on safe locations for new landfills, safe disposal of coal ash and even nuclear power plants. They will design and supervise underground waste disposal systems. They will study the interaction between humans and nature, they will examine the impact of human activities on the environment.

Environmental geologists will give direction on environmental safety versus its accessibility and productivity for humanity in an effort to keep much-needed balance. They will ensure safe land utilization and help in mediation and land reclamation as needed. They will lead conservation operations and maintain environmental impact and sustainability in a universe teeming with humanity.

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Geomorphologists study the formation of the earth’s surfaces by mountains, rivers, air, oceans etc. They investigate and predict how these elements will change the earth’s landscape in future. They gather organic samples from the earth like seeds from plants, water from water bodies, soil and sand from mountains and investigate if these materials played a role in the land formation

Geomorphologists collect data investigate it, write reports on the same including data calculations. They will map out an area before and after a study and use both digital and conventional tools to justify and document their findings. Geomorphologists will work in private and public companies, teaching institutions and geographical institutions

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Geophysicists are scientists specialized in studying the earth’s physical properties. They apply advanced mathematics, chemistry, physics and geology to study the earth and its features. They study the internal structure and composition, oceans, electrical fields, the atmosphere etc. They will be specialists in areas like the earth’s magnetic field, gravity fields, seismic fields, planetary fields etc.

Geophysicists will use advanced research methods and instruments to locate natural resources, assist in conserving the environment, develop techniques for monitoring and preventing seismic dangers like earthquakes. Geophysicists work in the oil and gas industries, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, environmental organizations and learning institutions. A bachelor’s degree in geology will be an excellent entry point to this great career.

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Hydrogeologists work on water resources, they collect water on the earth’s surface as well as underground and monitor data to support related programs and projects. Hydrogeologists will deal with the movement and distribution of water in the soil and rocks underground. Hydrology, geohydrology, hydrogeology are terms often used interchangeably. They will work with other relevant scientists to preserve and clean the environment.
Hydrogeologists will work with specialized agencies addressing water resource issues. They will prepare maps, figures and related reports on geologic structures, groundwater elevations, water quality and other viable data. They will install and maintain water quality and property infrastructure, advise on the nature and extent of contamination of groundwater. They will make sound presentations of the same in approved formats.

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Stratigraphers examine the layers in the structures of physical places of the earth, these layers will show after years of foundational shifts in the earth. They can then investigate how life on the planet looked like in the past. Stratigraphers in geology will study the geological history of a site by looking at rocks, rock types will help indicate the previous presence of a water body that they will date. They can also date volcanic activity.

Stratigraphers will examine the layers in soil or rock to determine how the land came to be and in what order or sequence. A degree in geology is a great starting point for this career, there are opportunities across environmental agencies, private and public sectors.

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Marine geologists

Marine geologists

Marine geologists study various natural processes occurring on ocean floors, beaches and marine ecosystems. They will collect, analyze and document geological geochemical and geophysical data from surveys on water bodies, logs on water bodies and aerial captures of the same. They will collect samples from the water bodies to determine their age and composition. They will specialize in one or more areas of marine geology like sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry amongst others.

Marine geologists will work in educational institutions, research institutions, environmental agencies and in the oil and gas industries. They will use technology such as GPS to map and analyze specific areas during research. They will often compile detailed papers on their findings and contributions to the sector.

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Meteorologists study atmospherical and land patterns specializing in weather and climate studies hence forecasting weather conditions. They will analyze and record data from weather stations to radars and satellites which they will interpret to accurate predictions of weather patterns.

Meteorologists will apply physics and mathematical formulas and computer applications to make weather predictions. They will compile weather reports from the patterns of the land, sea and atmosphere. They will research climatic changes and use the information to better the weather predictions. They will stay updated on technological developments in the areas of weather reporting and climate change.

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Mineralogists study minerals, their structures like their chemical and crystal shape form as well as their properties. They study how to retrieve minerals from their ores and how to process them to commercially viable products. They will sample rocks, gems, stones and identify them by applying heat treatments, chemical treatments to classify them.

Mineralogists will excel in sample collection and extraction, preparation, analysis and documentation. They will improve the recovery of the minerals on-demand and enrich their quality. They will apply their evaluation skills on lands with mineral deposits. They will process minerals for scientific equipment used to monitor the environment such as satellite sensors, GPS devices and wildlife tracking radio collars. They work in mining companies.

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Need help in deciding the best Bachelors in Geology or Masters course for yourself?

Check out the list of most popular questions around Geology programs

What is Geology?

The involves the analysis of history and physical structure of the earth, the materials that comprises of it and the process involved in shaping it. 

What subjects are required to pursue Geology?

One of the key subjects is Chemistry. An applicant will also be required to have another science program, either Physics or biology. The student will also be required to have English and Mathematics qualification at secondary level.

These requirements depend on the specific university and course you would like to apply for, which Craydel expert admission counsellors can guide you through.

How many years do you study for a Geology degree?

On average, a bachelor’s degree in the geology field will take at least 3 to 4 years. Availability of a placement program will take an extra 6 to 12 months. 

Postgraduate programs will take 12 – 36 months to be achieved.

What are the best courses for Geology?

A standard Bachelor of Science (Bsc) in Geology is a popular course that gives students an overview of the different specialisations within the industry. You could also do a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Geology, which is less science, and more humanities focused degree. 

However, depending on your specific interests and the demand for specilised knowledge and skills in your region, there are also speicalised courses you can take in geological engineering or environmental geology, for example. 

What are the different careers in Geology?

A career in geology is bound to be exciting for individuals passionate about the earth and natural resources. There are several different fields that you can specialise in with a Geology degree; some of which include Geochemistry, Geological Surveying, Geomorphology, Environmental Consulting and GeoPhysics. 

For an indepth look into some of the most popular and in demand specialisations, check out our "Top Marketable and in Demand Careers" for Geology Graduates section above.

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