
Need confidence choosing your university courses?

Get the power of Craydel Premium behind your decision

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Higher education decisions are tough.

And we understand this! Your future career will be shaped by the choices you make today.

But most get it wrong.


Almost 40% of students drop out of Universities in their 1st year.


Almost 80% professionals have pursued higher education courses that have nothing to do with their current careers.

Craydel Premium is here to help you

make personalised and scientific decisions, when it comes to choosing your school subjects, university courses and career paths.

Craydel Premium Dashboard

Craydel Premium offers you a revolutionary new way of making higher education decisions!


Craydel Premium's personalised recommendations are backed by our Career Match Psychometric Assessment.

The assessment has been developed by leading international psychologists based on the globally recognized career development models, psychometrics and advanced machine learning.

Read more about the Assessment
Career Match Psychometric Assessment
Fully online
182 questions
30 minutes
12 page report

Craydel Premium uses the power of our Career Match Assessment, to offer you

Your top 3 Ideal Career Options

Understanding of your Career Motivators, Interests, Aptitudes & Personality

Personalised recommendations on your University courses

In-depth knowledge of your best-fit career pathways

Personalised recommendations on your subject choices in school

Personalised recommendations on subject requirements for your university courses

Craydel is Africa’s largest Online Higher education platform, trusted by hundreds of schools across Africa to help their students get scientific careers & higher education guidance!

Globally used by 100,000+ students to get personalised recommendations for their higher education journey

Here's what our students from Kenya have to say!

Choose your package

Craydel Basic

  • Access to Career Pathways
  • Subject Requirements Resource
  • University Application Support and Tracking
  • Study Abroad Visa Support
  • Career Match Psychometric Assessment Which gives you personalised recommendations on:
    • Ideal career options
    • Subject requirements
    • Courses
    • Career pathways
Sign up for free
Most Popular

Craydel Premium

(when you need scientific, personalised recommendations for your higher education)

  • Career Match Psychometric Assessment
  • Top 3 Ideal Career Options
  • Personalised recommendations on your University courses
  • Personalised Career Pathways
  • Personalised recommendations on subject requirements
  • University Application Support and Tracking
  • Study Abroad Visa Support
KES 900 one time fee

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