Craydel is transforming how students and working professionals in Africa search, match & apply to their best-fit higher education
from tens of thousands of options in 40+ countries in Africa and abroad, across every qualification, country, study mode, and price point
to your best-fit higher education with personalized recommendations based on your psychometrics, institution preferences, grades, budgets, and desired career outcomes
entirely online and receive end-to-end support from application to enrollment from an expert admissions counsellor
Craydel’s Founding Team

Manish Sardana
Founder and CEOManish is deeply passionate about building tech businesses that create impact at scale. Before Craydel, Manish worked at WPP-Scangroup for 7 years as MD for Squad Digital where he incubated two African tech start-ups: Optimus, a marketing automation SaaS platform and Goby, an E-commerce SaaS platform. Previously, he was on the leadership teams of EdTech and E-commerce start-ups in India. Manish holds a MBA from the FORE School of Management and a B.A (Hons.) Economics from Delhi University.

John Nguru
Co-Founder and CTOJohn is passionate about using technology to drive change. Before Craydel, John worked at WPP-Scangroup for 9 years as a Development Team Lead for Squad Digital, where he co-founded two African tech start-ups side-by-side with Manish. In this role, he also managed a team of 30+ developers to design technology solutions for large corporates in Africa across various industries including education, fintech, E-commerce, banking, insurance and telecom. John holds a M.Sc IT from Strathmore University and a BSc Computer Science from Makerere University.

Shayne Aman Premji
Co-Founder and CFOShayne is committed to expanding access to high quality education and healthcare in Africa to empower millions of people to improve their economic outcomes and quality of life. Prior to joining Craydel, Shayne advised and invested in numerous companies in Africa at a leading private equity fund and the International Finance Corporation. He began his career as an investment banker in Canada. Shayne holds a Post-Graduate Certificate from INSEAD and a BCom (Honours) from Queen's University.